Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

'65 Fender Jaguar Lake Placid Blue -exc-

Model: 1965 Fender Jaguar
Serial: L78182
Parts missing/not original: Whammy Bar, Bridge Cover
Finish: Original Lake Placid Blue, matching Headstock
Condition: exc-
Price: 4500$
Value (according to VGM-Priceguide): 4500$-5500$

"It is all original and super cool. This one is finished in one of our favorite metallic finishes, Lake Placid Blue. It has faded to a great ocean turquoise like color. The neck is straight and in good condition. The frets show only a small amount of wear and won't need attention for a long time. The action is set nice and low with no fret-out either on the medium thin profiled neck"


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